Urgent requests for euthanasia

Where possible I will endeavour to respond rapidly to urgent euthanasia requests and if possible attend your home the same day. However where you feel your pet is in pain or suffering, and in need of emergency euthanasia, it is imperative you phone either your usual veterinary practice, or out of hours care provider, to ensure they get the care they need.

If you are unsure how long your pet can wait, I am very happy to discuss things over the phone and discuss an appropriate course of action.

In the event you cannot make contact with me for an urgent euthanasia request please contact your usual veterinary practice or their out of hours care provider (this information is usually on their website)

Other home euthanasia providers…

I am passionate about owners being able to access end of life care for their much loved pets in their own homes, so I have provided some links to other vets providing this service in Wiltshire in the event I am not available. Their websites provide their details for you to contact them directly to see whether they may be available to assist you: